Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Punk Education

Shaun Johnson is a teacher in DC who believes there is something to learn from punk rock music. He also believes answers to this education reform can be found in the same music. He suggests he has a created a K-12 curriculam involving punk rocck education

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fighting For the Right to Perform

Pussy Riot is a Russian punk rock band that is very set on making a difference. They began with expressing the values and principles of gender equality, democracy and freedom of expression contained in the Russian constitution through peaceful performances in public places. They fight for human rights with screeching lyrics of passionate anger and frustration. In February of 2012, 3 members of Pussy Riot were arrested for performing a "punk prayer" in a cathedral. The remaining free band members have been fighting back against the government with more public appearances and streaming videos. They have begun a movement among women and men in countries around the world. This video shows the remaining members thanking all the artists spreading the movement in hopes to finally free the imprisoned members and earn their right to speak.

There are American artists that have fought for similar rights such as the Guerrilla Girls that originated in 1985. These girls fight for the rights of women and fight against the unjust. Equality through voice and art is the strongest power to them and they have such a huge following amongst their cause. Like Pussy Riot, these girls are big on gender equality and have been fighting for almost 30 years.

This is a song from Pussy Riot speaking out against the government leaders that placed the fellow members of Pussy Riot in prison. With lyrics like:
" This State may be stronger than the time in jail.
The more arrests it makes, the happier it is.
Every arrest is carried out with love for the sexist"

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sick 2/04/2013

So I am on day 3 of being sick and its only seeming to get worse. I'm hoping to get better soon. I could barely get through the day, but i was still able to find interest in our conversation in Government today about gun control in the U.S. I asked Mr. Palo to show me what the side that is for guns says to solve this problem with gun violence in this country. So far all the evidence from videos shown in class has only provided the anger and frustration of the other side than actual solution. There was one idea brought up about arming guards in schools and public areas. I was happy to finally hear an idea, but I'm not sure that is necessarily a Good idea. I am totally up for compromise, but I really want to find a solution and so far the side against guns is really coming up with least from what i have seen. I am really interested to hear more. Other than that I spent today coughing up my lungs. Although I did find that after singing I feel better for awhile. I have been working on writing new music for my band Halfway On Helium. There are 3 topics i am writing about so far. Men abusing women, Bullying, and Gun Violence killing innocent kids. All 3 are sounding great and I can't wait to finish!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So to actually blog about something on my new blog 1/29/2013

So today I found my morning to be completely stressful thanks to my math test that I wasn't prepared for. Mr. Palo (who is responsible for the creation of this blog) tried to give our class a tutorial on how to create a blog...but it turned out to be an epic fail. Luckily I seemed to figure it out and I'm already starting to like this. I know I am supposed to use this for my Government class but I think I'll go beyond that and use this blog for myself as well. Anyway so I have to finish filming a music video for drama by Thursday and I'm kinda screwed. Thanks to my actors ditching out and being late i have to settle for a crappy music video...again. What makes it worse is that it is a music video for my band, Halfway On Helium. I was really hoping to make this great, but I guess I'll just have to make due. So we filmed band shots today and I have no idea what I'm filming tomorrow, but I am. After shooting today my band practiced for the first time in a long time since I made the decision to join the play at school. We began woring on our new songs I have been writing to change our sound little bit from our sound we produced on our EP released on iTunes. BTW!!!! Check out my band, Halfway On Helium on Facebook, iTunes, bandcamp, and soundcloud.

So...blogging huh?

Well here it is my first official post on my first official blog...WOW!!!!!!!!!!! hahhahaa